The Cybersecurity Threats To Watch Out For In 2020

February 19th, 2020

For businesses in Metro Detroit, MI, physical security simply isn’t enough. While your physical security measures will deter burglars and keep vandalism at bay, amongst other benefits, the common criminal is getting smarter. Your digital information is just as valuable, if not more valuable, than your physical inventory. Protecting your digital assets should be a priority for any Metro Detroit, MI business participating in the market today. Whether you’re working in construction, you have a retail store, or you’re providing digital services to other businesses of the region, it’s important to protect yourself digitally if you plan to keep your Metro Detroit, MI business safe. 

Your information can be sold on various parts of the web to those who wish to use it for nefarious purposes, and burglars know this. As the world around us gets more tech-savvy, so do they, and they know the kind of honey pot they can have at their disposal if they can just get to your digital information. Each year comes with new trends in cybercrime, and it’s important to know what is trending for the year 2020. 

The Top Security Threats For The Year 2020

The top cybersecurity threats for 2020 are varied, and they may come in inconspicuous packages. The top security threats to look out for and protect yourself against in 2020 are: 

  • Phishing scams and social attacks – According to Small Business Trends, 1 out of every 99 emails a person receives is a phishing scam. One may believe that these emails are flagged and wind up in the spam folder, but roughly 30% make it past email security measures and wind up in inboxes instead. These messages will look official, and they’ll ask for login or other sensitive pieces of information that the creators of the emails will then take for their own. Using this information, they can hack into email accounts or business accounts. 

  • IoT attacks – IoT or the Internet of Things technologies are everywhere. Smart devices are becoming commonplace in homes and businesses simply because they make our everyday lives easier. Cybercriminals may hack into these devices to steal information or disable other security layers in order to gain entry into an area business. 

  • Ransomware – With ransomware attacks, a cybercriminal will infect a computer system with malware, and agree to remedy the problem only after the owner of the system pays a ransom. This is a particularly popular attack for businesses, who typically have more money and more to lose than the average individual. If they do not pay the ransom, they risk losing their data permanently. 

Keeping Your Business Protected 

In order to keep your business protected, you need to protect yourself physically and digitally from the criminals who would like to make your property their own. If you’re concerned about cybersecurity for your area business, you’re not alone. Contact us today to learn more about how security can improve the further success of your area business regardless of industry. 

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