Easy Ways To Protect Your Pets While They Are At Home

June 25th, 2024

When people aren’t at their home, it’s difficult for them to relax without knowing for sure that their property is protected. And in addition to personal property is the fact that many Metro Detroit homeowners own pets as well. And when you consider that for most of us, our pets are additional members of the family, it becomes very clear that taking the time to keep pets safe is important.

But just how can you go about doing it? A few simple steps can make it easier to prepare your Metro Detroit home in a way that will keep your four-legged friend safe and give you peace of mind whenever you are gone.

Remove Potentially Hazardous Items

Start by going from room to room and identifying any potentially dangerous items. Some examples of this include:

  • Blind cords
  • Curtain tassels or pull cords
  • Wires
  • Electrical cords
  • Trashcans
  • Cleaning products
  • And more

You’ll want to remove each of these items or secure them in a way that doesn’t pose a threat to your pet. This way you are able to protect your pet from risks. For example, cords or tassels can present a choking hazard while trashcans can make it possible for your pet to eat something they shouldn’t eat. Any room that your pets can enter should be inspected for these risks.

Protect Possessions That You Don’t Want Destroyed

Along with the items that could pose a risk to your pets, you also need to consider the reverse of this. Be sure to remove items that you think could be destroyed by a pet – particularly pets that like to chew or play rough. This gives you peace of mind that your property will be safe while you are away.

Create Pet Safe Zones

Are there areas where your pet can leave the house? Are they allowed to do so freely? And do they have access to a bed, toys, and other items that can keep them occupied while you aren’t at home? Be sure to create pet safe zones for your pets.

Reduce Escape Risks

This is true especially for pets who have access to fenced in lawns. Be sure to maintain your fence to keep them inside it. Otherwise, you run the risk of them escaping and potentially being taken, accidentally killed, or something else.

Use Cameras

This may sound like an extreme step, but it’s also well worth considering security cameras. These can not only reduce the chance of theft or vandalism but can let you monitor your pet from anywhere you are using your smartphone. This provides Metro Detroit homeowners with the best possible level of protection and the highest level of peace of mind.

Getting Help If You Need It

While it’s easy enough for you to start taking steps to protect your pet and reduce your level of stress when you’re away from home, getting help from professionals can make things even easier. Talking to security pros can help you install the right camera systems to ensure that your pets are totally safe and that you don’t’ have to worry when you aren’t home.

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