Keeping Your Pets Safe And Secure

July 13th, 2023

67% of families in the United States have at least one pet, and this translates to roughly 85 million households, including those in Metro Detroit, MI. Of those pet-owning households, a whopping 95% consider their pets to be part of the family. Just like you would keep any loved one safe, it is important to keep your pets safe as well. When mapping out your home security strategy, make sure your pets are considered within your overall home security plan.

Pet theft is a terrible reality that affects families all across the United States and the world, including those in Metro Detroit, MI. Pet theft is something that families and pet parents never want to think could happen to them, and thieves targeting pets rarely do so with any sort of pure intention. In many instances, those pets are never recovered, leaving grieving families wondering what may have happened for years.

How To Keep Your Pets Safer 

Safeguarding your pets means considering what security measures are most beneficial to them. A few ways you can help keep your pet out of harm’s way are the following: 

  • Use Security Cameras – Security cameras do not just keep watch on your home and property in Metro Detroit, MI; they can also keep watch over your pets. Security camera systems overlooking the backyard will allow you to observe your pets while they are out to play or do their business. Meanwhile, those placed by the doors and windows will catch if your pet happens to slip out of an open entryway. Security cameras are also an excellent deterrent against pet thieves who may be thinking about slipping over the fence.

  • Microchip Your Pets – Microchipping has become commonplace in recent years, and for good reason. If a pet turns up in a shelter or is rescued, a scanning device can be used to link the pet back to their family in a matter of seconds. 

  • Get Access Control To Secure Fencing – Privacy fencing is difficult to get into, and privacy fencing with access control gates are even more so. Access control on your backyard gate allows you to control who comes and goes, and it can even alert the authorities via an alarm if a breach is attempted. 

  • Opt For Motion Sensor Lighting – Motion sensor lighting around your property can also deter pet burglars from approaching your pets on your property. Ideally, they will steal the pet and leave unnoticed, but motion sensor lighting gives the impression of activity and shines a bright light across your entire property. 

Keeping Your Whole Family Protected 

The main focus of your security strategy should be keeping your whole family and property protected, including your furry family members. With the right security measures in place, you can rest assured that your two- and four-legged buddies are safe day in and day out. If you are looking for security equipment that will help you monitor your pets while they are inside or outside the home, contact us to learn more about what we have for you today.

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