Security Tips For Apartment Renters

January 26th, 2023

Being a homeowner comes with some advantages and perks. One of them is home security. Owning the property means you have more freedom when it comes to the installation of equipment.

However, what many people fail to realize is that it is not only for homeowners. Renters also need it because they are also vulnerable to burglaries. You also have valuable possessions.

Home Burglaries

When it comes to burglaries, thieves apply the same methods. They choose homes that they see as easy targets. They may take some time to observe a place to study the schedule of the residents. Then, they will attack when they find an opportunity.

Some may also strike immediately once they think it is easy to access the home and that no one will notice them. The deed itself does not last long. According to the FBI, a burglar usually takes 8 to 10 minutes to get in and out of a place.

What To Do

As a renter, you may think you do not have a lot of options to ensure security. But, what many do not know is that taking extra precautions and choosing the right equipment can help protect your apartment in MI.

  • Door Locks – The first thing you need to check is the lock on your door. If your apartment in MI does not have a deadbolt yet, consider installing one. Ask your landlord for approval. You may also ask them to change the regular locks. Since it is a place for rent, there may be more duplicate keys out there that they do not know. You can also add chain locks for added protection.


  • Door Jammer – Adding a security bar can also deter intruders. This thing is especially useful for the patio, balcony, and front doors.


  • Windows – These are also potential entry points. Make sure all locks are working properly. Covering the windows will also prevent outsiders from seeing what is inside your home.


  • Safe – If you have valuables at home, purchasing a safe may be a great idea. Put jewelry, cash, and important documents there. If you want to secure the safe, ask permission from your landlord so you can bolt it on the floor or wall.


  • Security System – Choosing the right home security system can go a long way. There are solutions that are suitable for apartments. You can add sensors on your windows and doors. So, any unusual activity will trigger an alarm. Consider installing security cameras so you can monitor the activities inside your home. You may also choose a system that allows you to control it even while you are at work or on a trip. Some home security systems send notifications in case a sensor or alarm gets triggered.


The Right Solution

There are many options available for renters in MI. It is important to get the one that will address your needs. To help you get started, consult the experts. Contact us and find out how we can help. 

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