4 Things To Think About For Commercial Security

September 1st, 2023

It’s no wonder that many businesses are now concerned about security. The COVID-19 pandemic has emptied a lot of commercial spaces. One reason for this is health and safety measures. Some businesses that can feasibly do so protect their employees through increasingly popular Work From Home policies.

However, for some businesses, this has meant leaving commercial properties vulnerable, empty, and at risk for many more hours of the day than just the evening. It's made some businesses consider their commercial security measures, and here are four things you should think about if you're part of this trend.

Is There A Blackout Protocol?

Power outages can occur. Suppose you have a surveillance camera system, or, more importantly, a digital access control door. What happens to those systems in the event of a blackout? Will they still work? Will you have access to parts of your building, or be locked out? Find out what happens when the power goes out and see if you're satisfied with the answer.

Will This Integrate?

Many commercial security systems are digital. Depending on the type of security system implemented, there's a chance your existing digital network and IT infrastructure may be compatible with it, thus saving some money. On the other hand, a security system may require an entirely new digital system, which will add to its purchase and maintenance costs.

Is Image Quality Sufficient?

Early security cameras were black and white and low resolution, providing only basic image quality to base an investigation. New cameras, however, can be color, high definition, ultra-high-definition, or even see in the dark. The better the image's quality on a camera, the easier it is to capture incriminating details such as facial features, color of clothing, height, and distinguishing marks, such as tattoos. All of this can be used by police when conducting an investigation and even be submitted as evidence in court at a later date for prosecution.

However, it all depends on the quality of the image, so think carefully about how much you're willing to invest in this.

Will It Scale?

You will probably also want to think about the future and how this security system can grow. Ideally, suppose your business does well and you need to expand your security system. In that case, an easily scalable system means you can keep adding more security devices to your existing security infrastructure.

If the system does not scale, then this means that once you're ready to grow your security network, you'll need to invest in a brand new system altogether. This can add considerable costs to your future expenditures if you don't think this through, so keep scalability in mind as you consider your commercial security system options.

If you’d like to improve your commercial property security here, contact us. We can come to your property, look at what you currently have—or don't—and then propose the security measures and budget that will allow you to rest easy knowing your commercial property is being protected at all times.

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